Embracing Virtual Housing Support: A Win-Win Solution for Housing Associations

By adopting virtual housing support, housing associations can ensure long-term success and sustainability while providing high-quality services to their tenants.


Housing associations face numerous challenges in providing consistent and high-quality support to their sheltered tenants. Recruiting, retaining, and training experienced staff members have become increasingly complex. Virtual housing support is an innovative solution to these challenges, ensuring that support continues seamlessly while easing pressures on managers and reducing overtime costs. In this blog post, we'll explore the benefits of virtual housing support and why it's an essential asset for housing associations.

The Challenges of Staffing

Recruiting and retaining experienced staff members is a significant challenge for housing associations. Furthermore, employee turnover can be high, leading to additional costs in time and resources spent on training new hires.

Moreover, housing associations often need help managing teams and coordinating their efforts to ensure all tenants receive the support they need. This can lead to increased pressure on managers and staff, potentially resulting in burnout and decreased overall quality of service.

The Power of Virtual Housing Support

Virtual housing support addresses these challenges by providing a consistent and reliable service customised to meet each tenant's unique needs. By leveraging technology and innovative solutions, virtual housing support can offer the following benefits to housing associations:

  1. Continuity of Support: Virtual housing support ensures that tenants continue receiving the assistance they need, even when staffing shortages or unexpected issues occur. This consistency helps maintain tenant satisfaction and well-being, ultimately contributing to the success of the housing association.
  2. Reduced Pressure on Managers: By utilising virtual support services, managers can focus on strategic planning and other essential tasks rather than being bogged down with the daily challenges of coordinating support efforts. This leads to improved efficiency and effectiveness within the organisation.
  3. Cost-Effective Solution: Virtual housing support is typically provided at a fixed price, which can help housing associations better manage their budgets. Additionally, by relying on virtual support, organisations can reduce overtime costs by up to 90%, resulting in significant savings.
  4. Enhanced Tenant Experience: With virtual housing support, tenants can access a range of services and support options tailored to their specific needs. This personalised approach can increase tenant satisfaction and a higher quality of life.


Virtual housing support is an innovative and cost-effective solution for housing associations looking to address the challenges of recruiting, retaining, and managing staff while providing top-notch support to their tenants. By embracing this technology-driven approach, housing associations ensure continuity of service, reduce pressure on managers, and improve the overall tenant experience.

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